Max Orroth

bjk Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my portfolio site. I am an aspiring architect and designer currently based in Los Angeles. You can learn more about me and my work throughout this site, please take a look around and enjoy!  

> Architecture
> Graphic Design
> UX/UI Design


  1. Art Incubator
  2. Living Facade
  3. Zeppelin House
  4. Arena do Morro
  5. Shebli Caravanserai
  6. Genesis [typography]
  7. Simply Rational [ux/ui]



P003 → Zeppelin House

AUD 122: Fall 2023
Professor Valeria Ospital

Beginning with the study of knots as a tool to examine form, circulation, and interaction, this studio aimed to challenge the norms of the single family home model and develop a space that would allow for coexistence of multiple groups. Challenging notions of public and private space, the work-life balance, and the commute, the Zeppelin House unites two families in a dynamic arrangement. Two private units which house young adults early in their careers twist over one another to support a public space on the 3rd floor, where anyone can work. To produce the private units I created indoor/outdoor spaces which support communal living. I pushed the limits of privacy by making the workspace only accessible through a central staircase rising from the courtyard, mimicking a commute for strangers and occupants. This unique arrangement challenges notions of cohabitation, privacy, the single family home, and ownership. 
Axonometric Drawing

Floor Plans
Perspectival Section
Commute Diagram